I just peed my pants

OK...so I just got one of the best e-mails from a friends from Baltimore. Before you read the e-mail (yes Jayme I'm posting it) you have to understand something about my friend Jayme. We love each other dearly but would never let an opportunity to give each other a hard time pass us by. So as you can image starting a blog entirely about dogs leaves a lot of room for Jayme. With all of this being said enjoy the following e-mail (Jayme, I did have to edit it slightly but hopefully kept it true to form) *Please be sure to read my response to Jayme tomorrow*
To: Janet McCormick
From: Jayme
Date: December 2, 2010

If I were a blogger, I decided that I would blog about your blog.  Here is my sample blog:

Poor Mike.... I hope the sound of the clock isn't getting to him.  He knows what clock I'm talking about.  It is the tick-tock of Janet's very loud and public biological clock.  In fact, this clock is so loud that I can hear it all the way in Baltimore.  The sound becomes shrill every time Janet posts to her "Preppy Puppy Blog." 

That's right-- Janet has been blogging about her 3 (yes, I said 3) dogs for the past 4 or 5 months now and I will make the statement that anyone who takes the time to blog about their pets, really wants to be blogging about their not-yet-created baby's poopie diaper, first tooth, or first step.  The puppy blog is the ultimate public biological clock.  It is just 2 short steps away from putting the skeletal face of a squirrel in a bassinet and calling it your baby (I just couldn't resist a LOST reference.)  It is the ultimate declaration to the world, "I want a baby to write about and until I have one and can blog about it, I'm going to blog about my dogs instead!"

I've seen where Mike and Janet live.  It is not a huge place.  Plus, I've seen Janet's Disney Movie collection.  Add that in with the dogs and you have to wonder if Mike gets a space of his own.  I think it is safe to assume that he has to share his bed with not only Janet, but at least 1 if not 2 or maybe all 3 of the dogs.  Poor guy.

Now, not only do I feel bad for Mike who has to sleep next to this very loud biological clock, but I feel even worse for Janet's Mom Pat and Mike's Mom Linda.  Every time Janet calls and goes, "Guess What?" you know that they are both just dying to hear "You're going to be a grandma for the 1st time!"  Instead, these poor women get "Guess what! You're going to be a grandma AGAIN! We're adding another dog to our family!"  The women just sigh and offer their congratulations and wish that they were getting a cuddly baby to hold instead of another dog to buy a Christmas bone for. 

I do get it.  I like dogs as much as the next person.  Puppies are cute and bear some remarkable similarities to babies.  They are small and cuddly.  You have to clean up their poop and bathe them, but unlike babies, dogs will never be able to wipe their own ass or repeat something they overheard at the most inopportune time as to embarrass you and make friends (like me) roll on the floor dying from laughter.

Just do us (me) all a favor and start working on having babies. The always dull and sometimes shrill sound of your biological clock is beginning to give me a headache.  Tick-tock. Tick-tock.

*Disclaimer, this was intended to be funny and in response to one of Janet's blog postings.

--End E-mail--

So you'll have to check back tomorrow and see how I respond to Jayme.

**Day 1 Contest Results**

7 Comments + 1 follower + 1 vote = 12

2 comments + 3 followers + 2 friend post + 1 vote = 16


  1. I couldn't agree with Jayme more. I hear the clock every night over all the sounds of NYC that any normal person wouldn't be able to sleep through. Start having babies!

  2. I refuse to buy clothes for dogs so you better start having babies so I can buy cute little clothes that aren't just stupid costumes and sweaters for puppies.

  3. Elizabeth Bookwalter is my old boss who is now following your blog! +3

  4. your friend jayme is funny...and correct. Can't wait to see whats up tomorrow...

  5. ps...im watching this uconn football game (and i know you and mike are too) But im getting nervous... GOOOOO HUSKIES! Wish i was in CT with you love birds watching our huskies.

  6. So you'll have to check back tomorrow and see how I respond to Jayme.

    I'm pretty sure this is me checking back...and there is no funny response?! what the heck. I'm not being a good friend writing on your blog everydayyyy. I'm actually reading and not just looking at the pictures and this is what i get. It's like your busy or something.

  7. Can we get some results Janet? I know leah is killing me on the posts, not my fault I work and dont have time to procrastinate writing my papers all day! haha

  8. Lastly, you need to reset the time on your blog or something. I dont want people thinking I'm waking up at 6:54AM to comment on your blog.

  9. Laura we all know you are waking up to post, dont lie!

  10. this email is hilarious...
    ps, i think what you're doing is so cool!

  11. So I set aside sometime today to post...and I can't log in!! Our network has been having issues, but hopefully it will be back soon.


  12. I should get extra points for waking up so early and making comments! I've heard Janet can't get into her blog, she must be dying!

  13. I'm not sure if you know this, but leah offically withdrew from the competition last night. Start drafting your blog about me!
