OK Mom...you win.

I have no excuses or even a good story I made up....I'm just slacking. I guess that's not entirely true, I've started making dogs collars (Web site coming soon!!) so I've been spending my very limited free time trying to finish the 35 orders I already have!
So Thanksgiving came and went...my family came up to visit, bringing their two dogs Riley and Maya. I must have been in a turkey coma because I didn't take any pictures of the group!! I do have a great video of them meeting but I'm in the process of editing it. I promise I'll get it up soon.
Other than responding to my Mom's cries for more posts...I really needed to post today, December 1 to announce a contest between my friends. On my most recent trip to NYC to visit Laura and Leah we were talking about how the blog provides them a nice study and work break. Of course I gave them a hard time for never commenting and hardly voting. I mean how do I know that anyone even looks at the pictures none the less reads what I write? So they decided that during the month of December they would have a contest to see who could generate the most comments and posts.
So consider this the official first day of the contest. I'll sort of make up the rules as we go but the winner will get an entire post...pictures and all...just about them. I'll obviously count comments and voting but they'll get 2 points for every time a person posts something and references them and 3 points every time someone "follows" the blog because of them. So we'll see how it goes...Good Luck Ladies!

Oh yeah...I invite anyone who wants to join the contest to please step right up. I mean who doesn't want me to blog about them???


  1. collars, what?!?! i need info please, i've wanted to make those for ko and friends for ever!!-Kayla

  2. umm i vote for one...its cute, and all three of them are there! miss you rug rats.

  3. rocky...casey....tripper..i love you.

  4. oh wait...janet and mike... i love you too!

  5. oh my he is getting SO BIG!!!! great shots :)

  6. I am still figuring out how to post under my google account. I might eb the slowest person on earth when it comes to technology. As soon as I figuring this out, leah is going down.

  7. Why does it say addison smith made a comment when it was mine?!?! This is Laura btw!! Janet, HELP

  8. Leah, it's over. I'm going to win this thing. BTW, Ali Hines joined the blog because I asked her to. 3 points to me!!

  9. well, looks like i will have get some more supporters than.

  10. ha, i was wondering why Addison Smith was talking trash. I don't even know an addison. But laura-- nice to have you on the comment train.

  11. janet-- fyi, maggie Karlin is my friend. 3pts. Thank you.

  12. YAY! Great Pics Janet- Tripper is so cuttte
