I'm back...

My apologies for not being on in a while. Thanks to the wikileaks all google aps had been down. Anyway I've been keeping up with my blog via word so you'll have to read back a couple days to read all of the posts.

As for now, here is my response to Jayme's e-mail...

 Dear Jayme,

Thank you for your post and concerns about my husbands well being. Let me start by saying that since you have visited Mike and I have moved…actually we moved the day we got back from our honeymoon, talk about poor timing. Now we have enough rooms that we could get 5 more dogs and they could each stay in their own room. So space is not so much the issue.

The issue I would argue is not the ticking or tocking of my biological click, but my husband’s inability to say no combined with my love of animals. Exhibit one…when Mike and I first got together…he bought me a Chinchilla, Dusty (RIP) for my bday. Exhibit two…Casey. Exhibit three…Rocky. And finally exhibit four…Tripper. Just be thankful I didn’t start a blog about dusty…but I guess aside from Shannon no one would have read it.

And yes, maybe Casey sometime joins us in bed…and maybe on occasion I wake up and Rocky is at my feet. But to my defense Tripper isn’t allowed on the bed and we do follow that rule. And hey...that’s why we have a king size bed anyway.

So I’m terribly sorry to make you all wait, but while I do love babies…I’m not ready for one. And though I will really enjoy taking really cute pictures of my kids and probably will make them hate cameras…that’s what’s so great about dog, they can’t tell me not to take their picture or not tell the embarrassing story about them, like how Tripper kind of pooped in the mall.

But hopefully this blog is about more than just my desire to share my life with my pets. The experience of being a foster for Tripper has really taught me a lot not just about working and training dogs, but the affect they can have on a community. 

So for now I hope my clock doesn’t keep you up at night, because it will be ticking for at least a couple more years. And hey if Mike can sleep through it so can you…if not I suggest investing in ear plugs.

Your Friend,

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